BEST Algorithm Builder CRYPTO

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As you must already know, Bitcoin became the first ever cryptocurrency when it was released in 2009. However, with only one coin available, you couldn’t trade it with any other cryptocurrency.

It wasn’t until a few years later when more and more cryptocurrencies were created that people started trading them.
The idea is really simple. You trade one cryptocurrency for another, with the hope that the coin you buy increases in value.
This concept is the same as the real-world stock exchange.
When people trade, they need to use a cryptocurrency exchange. This is so buyers and sellers can be matched. For example, if you are holding Bitcoin and want to sell it for Ethereum, an exchange will help you find an Ethereum seller to trade with.

Cryptocurrency trading is now really popular, with billions of dollar’s worth of coins being bought and sold every day.

The “lucky” ones have made a serious amount of money doing this, and there are lots of people that are now trading cryptocurrency as a full-time job.

However, experienced traders use lots of different tools to help them pick the right coins at the right time. This can include software that helps investors analyze previous pricing trends etc.

This indicator is available only to our VIP users.

The BEST Algorithm Builder CRYPTO has been built based on the TOP 15 crypto assets listed on Coinmarketcap

This article isn't about explaining what is a blockchain, what is a cryptoasset, how to buy/sell/HODL etc.
However we're going to highlight what we think of cryptoassets and how we see them.
Answer: We don't have to think anything about them, they're tools to make more money
Whether, it's more BTC or more fiat (USD, EUR, etc.), it really doesn't matter. Well... we do prefer collecting more fiat as we can't buy a villa nor a lamborghini with crypto just yet :).
Contrary to the popular beliefs (belief is one of the main trading capital killer by the way), they aren't more manipulated than traditional markets.
"Market manipulation" isn't something that traders are actually winning would say - do you agree?

For more information regarding our packages, please visit our Pricing page

Tutorial video

The video below lasts less than 6:30 minutes, giving a proper introduction to what the indicator can do.
Hope you'll like it.
We made it intially for INDICES, but the trading method and risk-management stays exactly 100% the same.

The Best Trading Indicator trading method

The Best Trading Indicator's 10 Commandments

For each "commandment," we'll detail what could likely happen if you don't follow it versus following it as recommended.

ALL signals are displayed because they have to be taken (unless invalidated or risk too big) because we cannot know before what signal will lead to big profits versus get invalidated.

Those signals were made such as :
- in case of a risk of losing capital, we would lose a small amount thanks to the invalidations/hard exits.
- give only signals where the Risk:Reward ratio is decent enough, and, the risk shouldn't disproportioned compared to the potential reward.

We're actively monitoring what the competition is doing on a daily basis to stay ahead.
We'll explain below which market condition is riskier, and how to act (which is better than usually reacting in trading or life in general).

1. You shall read the documentation and watch the video tutorial

Trading using someone else's trading method and signals without taking a bit of time to read and learn might isn't best practice.
We're not talking about our method specifically but about all trading methods out there - regardless if they're good (making money) or bad (not making money).

Even a bad trading method with a rock-solid money/risk management could turn out to be slightly profitable. But having a decent trading method and a complete framework including money/risk/psychology management is even better.
If you subscribe, first we'll be very grateful for your trust and you won't be left alone as we'll build a community around our tools BUT... we took much time writing the documentation and make those videos because we KNOW what questions most of our customers will have.
If you have the tiniest shred of doubt in your mind, feel free to hit the "Chat with us" button on our website and also we'll probably answer to the most asked questions via our monthly newsletter + monthly live coaching

2. You shall follow the method religiously and trade like a “MACHINE”.

The purpose of this framework is to remove most of the useless noise (goodbye Twitter and ease your psychology.

The method won't perform optimally if you get clear signals but don't take them because either :

1. You don't "feel" like trading it

2. Someone (might be a trading "guru") gave you a trade in the opposite direction

3. You're unsure.

All graphical elements displayed on the chart by our indicator is useful (= to be used) and has been thought of, tested and traded with for years.
We know that adopting someone else's method is a huge leap of faith but it's required sometimes to ask our clients to trust us.
Let's answer the 3 previous points here with what we suggest our users to do when using this indicator.

1. 95%+ traders lose on this stock market because they "feel". The market knows what most will feel and will make its best to make sure they'll feel a certain way before releasing that giant "stop-chasing" wick.
Being a "MACHINE" means trading what we see whatever we feel/think the market should do or owe us.

2. Using this BEST Algo Globale means not listening to anyone else as we might have opposite signals and this could likely disturb you in your decision-making process.

3. Getting more conviction and belief in the system by testing it and trading with it with small amounts first and increase the bids progressively. A few only became rich overnight with trading overleveraged with huge bids during their first trading months and most of those trying to go "too fast" might be humbled by the market.

3. You must always consider the supports and resistances

We're not reinventing the wheel here.
The very basic of trading is to know what is a support and a resistance and being able to identify how strong each one is.
You could have thousands on a graph but only a few might be relevant for the asset class you're trading.
Whatever the trading method, buying a resistance or selling support is usually a riskier play and as such... require a different way of trading those.
They might not be the same for all asset classes.

We know it could be surprising to see so many S/R displayed by the indicator but you'll have to trust us on the following claim : They're all important and must be considered before entering a trade or not
However, they're not all equally important and that's why you'll see those S/R labels names located at the right of your chart. A monthly S/R is stronger than a m30 S/R - a SMA(200) is stronger than a SMA(20) etc.

If you ever get a signal near a S/R, we strongly suggest waiting for a pullback before entering.
Once in a trade, if we happen to touch a S/R MTF, it's really good practice to set the Stop Loss to breakeven (also called entry price).

Those are reveral zones so it's better to protect our trades whenever we touch one of those S/R.
We then suggest in your position sizing decision making to be pondered using a few items: (we're also doing ourselves for each trade)
1) Does the signal is near a S/R?
2) If yes, how strong the S/R is?
3) If we're about to hit (or just touched) that strong S/R for the first time, then we know the probability for a short-term reversal is more significant. .It does NOT mean you should NOT take the trade but it does mean you should wait for a pullback.

A S/R gets weaker the more the candles will hit it - we can deduct then that the first time we hit a strong S/R, it's very likely a reversal in the short-term could happen.
Please note that we said "very likely" so please don't message us every time you see candlesticks breaking through strong S/R after the first touch - YES! it could happen and will happen many times for sure... BUT statistically speaking in that scenario, candlesticks bounce back in the other direction way more often than breaking through the first time.
Futhermore, our trading method works for us because we made it such as trading the safer plays more often than the risky plays.

4. You really should NOT change the recommended chart timeframe

Let's assume you want to use this method on a different timeframe.

We want to save you some time by stating right here right now that the signals won't work in a different timeframe.
We tested them on all timeframes and to be 100% transparent here, they work only on the 15-minutes (H1) chart..

The signals given are SWING and have nothing to do with INTRADAY nor SCALPING. You'll see that you'll get about 2/4 signals per stock per month maximum and some trades might last days/weeks.
Scalping is more about taking dozens/hundreds of trades per day and aiming for a few pips/units of value profit for each.
We made those signals as such because it increases the trades probability to be profitable and reduces the risk to get stopped-out.

You might get stopped-out a few times and we'll cover how to reduce the SL likelihood of getting hit.

5. You Must NOT trade anything else than Indices (Intraday) with the Algo Builder Indices and everything else with the Algo Builder Universal

Trading a method made for stocks and commodities on another asset class is like :
- playing tennis because we're good at soccer.
- dressing up nicely with a suit/tie to go to the gym.
- going to a fancy nightclub getting dressed in flip-flops and a short.

Maybe we're going way too far with the metaphors but our point is :
IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE and likely, it may not work.

That being said...some other assets may have similar price action behavior than stocks. Thinking about Commodities here.
We are ourselves surprised (and happy) that our algorithmic engines are generic/adaptative enough to work with other uncorrelated assets.

We offer complete frameworks for all asset classes:

Algoritm Builder Indices
2. Algorithm Builder Universal (for all asset classes)

The full frameworks list and details are available on our Pricing Plans and Subscriptions pages.

5 LAST commandements CRYPTO
6. You shall know the Leading Trend displayed on your chart

You'll surely notice that the chart background is either green or red. While this looks nice, it's not here only for esthetics purpose but really to give you an indication of the leading trend.
Ignoring it may lead to the same consequences as ignoring the S/R.

Making the tiny effort to consider them for each signal is hansomely rewarding.

Let's start by 2 quick definitions:
1) Signal in the same direction of the leading trend: i.e. green signal on a green chart background and red signal on a red chart background.

2) Signal given regardless of the leading trend direction.
In other words, green/red signal may be displayed on either background color (green/red)
In that scenario, we recommend to wait for a pullback and set your SL to breakeven quickly.

⚠️ To be clear; ALL signals should be taken but those against the trend could require a pullback as explained above.
We decided not to include the pullback as some might want entering directly or waiting for it. We'll gather feedback after the product launch and we'll implement what most of us will prefer (inc. a pullback in the code directly whenever the signals given are against the trend).

The leading trend (background color on your chart) is based on a smoothed indicator and has to be seen as your trading compass. The color background also means:
- (not mandatory) reducing the position sizing
- (mandatory) wait for a pullback.

You'll miss a few trades that way but what's worse between missing a few potential good trades and losing too often because one wants to click and takes all signals?
PS: It's a rhetorical question - we already know the answer ^^.

However, fear not (too much) friends we offer this solution because we think it could work for most of you and make some nice gains if you follow our rules - that we apply to ourselves for every trade.
Even if you don't use this framework at all, all the trading rules we give are valid (= understand should be applied) for any trading method.

7. You shall know your trading profile

In trading, only YOU can know (=learn from experience and experience only) who you are and what kind of trader you are.

Don't expect us to know this for you - we can do some magic but there are limits we can't possibly cross. :)

We won't make any detailed guidance here because we don't know you personally as well as you know yourself.

Trend confirmation when entering against the leading trend: You'll also notice that the leading trend is real and strong. Let's assume a trader enters in a LONG position/RED background and then the chart background turns GREEN at some point later on. You'll often see that this "event" will confirm even more the trend direction and that's when the trend could very likely accelerate.
Using the "against the leading trend" signals make us entering earlier but requires more trade management (= can't get more gains without taking more controlled risk).

8. You will embrace the Hard Exits philosophy

Put, ignoring the hard exits signals (those vertical brown lines) will decrease your gains/increase your losses over time and big time.

For the 1. Algo and S/R exit mode, the hard exits are to be understood as stop-loss for that mode only. We based those exits on a smoothed multi-timeframe indicator.
This hard exit includes a proprietary stop-loss + trailing stop already.
We designed it such as to exit with a small loss before a reversal will happen.
The framework won't work as well as expected without it.
It's even the most important "commandment" and it requires to be rigorous, and throw away to the bin whatever we might think and feel.
Not exiting a signal when invalidated because you feel differently will not work.
We'll probably get tons of private messages with screenshots from our clients showing us the rare few times where they ignored it, and it worked but we won't hear from them anymore when their personalized redesigned trading framework won't work anymore.

9. You must know the Risk and Money Management basis

Planning ahead if often better than reacting in panic and committing mistakes.
Would you:
- make a presentation in front of hundreds of people unprepared?
- flirt with that girl at the bar without knowing what to say?

So... why would you even take a trade with your own money (or even worse with others money) without knowing what's your risk of getting stopped-out.
Not planning will have the same effect as BUY when DRUNK/SELL when HIGH (not life advice ^^)

Each market is unique and cannot possibly be traded the same way.
We're happy to provide a few guidelines for the STOCK market just below:

1- Mind the time of the day: Why trading when no one else is trading? This means there likely won't be enough volatilty to bring interesting opportunities. Then, we wouldn't set a trade on a US STOCK right before the end of the trading afternoon session or right before the weekend/holidays

Last example: at night or before the weekend, or before important bank holidays (Christmas, New-Year's Eve, ...). Big players take their time off seriously - taking also their trading money off the market - and so should we. We better follow their lead instead of dealing with annoying trading ranges.

2- Stay consistent with your position sizing: it's not because you won a few trades in a row that you should increase the position size - this is actually the best way to give back what you earnt, and we believe most of our customers use our services because they gave back too much. (YES! we know!).

3- Stay consistent with your trade management: each S/R with a big timeframe is a TP zone. Whatever you think/feel, when in a trade and the candlesticks will hit once of our S/R you can either:
- set your SL to breakeven
- set your SL to breakeven and take a bit of profit. (Up to you to decide which percentage)
Very important note: the hard exits are a crutial part of our trade management methodology.

4- Trailing Stop: The BEST Algo Globale includes our Trade Manager with a trailing stop based on percentage or pips value.
This is very good practice to start trailing your stop, once an opportunity gave you enough profit.
When it happens, we usually set at least our stop to breakeven so as to not losing anymore.
Hoping, then that the opportunity will get bigger, and the trailing will follow the price movement, protecting our gains and preventing us from even losing/giving back to the market.

9.bis Can you or can you not plug that system into an automated bot?

Now we're going to reveal why most of the trading bots win at the beginning and then give all it back and even more later on...
We know because we made loads of them and understood the hard way that the "magic pill" doesn't exist in trading.
Answer: Because they're backtested mostly on a single dataset. The backtest gave good results for that range and the market didn't change its market-wrecking algorithm yet... but when it will ... then the bots won't work anymore and the sponsored trading gurus won't answer anymore to your messages.
Coincidence? We don't think so.

Are we any different? Maybe yes maybe not, only you can judge. Our system is made on a very custom BEST Algo Globale and if you know those indicators, you also know that we can adjust our system whenever it won't work anymore and it won't take us more than a few hours/days for adjusting it to new market conditions.
There's always someone in the team trading the index market with the tool to make it still works so rest assured that you'll never be left alone. You might have bad trading days but will rarely get bad quality signals - assuming you follow our framework like a "machine".
The commandments will never change, but sometimes the internal computations in the code might change if we find areas of improvement and we'll do so at our own discretion whenever we know it's the right time to do some major updates.

And even if you decide to plug our Algo Builder frameworks to automatize the entries, it's utopic to believe you shouldn't monitor. We know you can capture the TradingView alerts (entries, hard exits, stop-loss, take-profits) and send them out to your broker but at least... it should be monitored because so many things can go wrong and not even related to our indicator (network connection issue, third-party issue, broker API issue, Donald Trump tweets, ...)

10. You Shall Test and Make your Own Conclusions.

What's the common points between Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tai Lopez, Tony Robbins, Steve Jobs, Bruce Lee and all successful people you know?
They tested new ideas again and again and when they got one working, they bet everything they had (time, money, sometimes their family) because when an idea is too good not to be executed, an entrepreneur must do what he does best.
(going small when unsure and big when sure is like trading don't you think ^^)
Repetition is the mother of skillthat is my favorite quote. You have no idea how many times we failed, how many indicators/systems we tested, lessons learned to build this complete system finally.

You have a few weeks to test for free because we know that many traders aren't full-time traders and have a family/job/life outside trading.

So take your time to backtest visually the signals, trade with small positions, follow our rules and learn from your own experience.
While we keep saying "do this, do that", we're not dogmatic at all and we welcome any feedback you might have that could benefit the community and we'll likely integrate it if we see a good value in your idea.
You can submit any idea/feedback/comment via our discord channel or using the "CHAT WITH US" button.

Some might find our offering expensive but you're paying for 7 years of trading experience/tests/sweats and tears served on a golden plate and we hope your trust in us will reward you handsomely.
And we analyzed the competition thoroughly - we know most of them and tried their offering - we're way cheaper and hopefully we'll bring some value to your trading. We will judge our value based on your trading performance and received feedbacks.
Adding that we think we're better than everyone else won't help because every legit company thinks they're the best at what they do.

Recommended Stop-Loss and Take Profit(s)

Stop Loss

The embedded stop-loss is those brown vertical bars; symbolizing the hard exits.
Even if you set your own stop-loss using the Trade Manager, we must respect the hard exit.
This exit signal primes over anything else. It's based on an indicator basically saying that the price could reverse deeper; then a proper risk management implies to exit whatever we think should or shouldn't happen.

Take Profits

Take profit zones: The Algo Supports & resistances

They aren't only here to be used as safeguard, and entering on a pullback.
They're also taking profits levels - because the price will touch, and could very likely reverse afterward, at least during a short-term period.
We (and absolutely no one on earth) can know before, if a reversal will be violent or not.

As a safety measure, we always assume the reversal will happen, and a bit before the physical contact between the price and S/R to:
- set the Stop-Loss to breakeven/entry price.
- and/or take a bit of profit.

In the short-term, it might limit slightly gains coming from a few lucky trades only.
Though, in the long run, this methodology is thought, and designed to protect a trader capital from going downhill.

Last words before the input fields section...

This framework includes the entries, user defined stop-loss, our take-profit zones, hard-exits (those are crucial and must not be ignored).
This system, is by far, one of the most complete semi-automated systems for trading, ever made on TradingView, and offered to retail traders. 👍👍👍(#bold #statement)

Our professional trading and quant experience was put to good use, to system generally used by professional traders, and made it easy to use for our customers.

Daily signals shared once a day

We're sharing the signals given by the framework every night - You might have realized already how powerful this system is.
It's a dynamite way of trading 🧨.

The user input fields


Access Key Backtest

Here you'll need to insert the access key you received by email (within 2 business days after the date of order) This key has been generated for you according to your subscription package and have a specific expiration date included in it.

If the key inserted is incorrect or expired, the indicator will display an orange label inviting you to subscribe again

Profit/Loss and Risk/Reward Panel
Show Panel

The Panel will display (if selected) for the current trade only the PnL (Profit and Loss) and R:R (Risk to Reward) data. We let you the ability to position the panel whenever you want in the chart - you'll only have to play with the X and Y positions to get it displayed wherever you want

The panel position will likely need to be updated every time you change the chart timeframe as it's not dynamic yet. Our R&D team is looking for a way to do it more automatically. For the time being, you will need to update it yourself. It's a small ask ,but be sure we're working on it to simplify your life a bit more :)

Trade Manager and Pnl Panel

As said above, this is not the recommended way to go with this Algorithm Builder but is included as it could bring value for experienced traders who want a custom trading management.

The Trade Manager Panel will automatically adapt to the values you'll set for the stop-loss and take profits.

The fields are more or less the same as explained above and pretty self-explanatory. We review some of them in the video tutorial also.

Standalone Trade Manager (Plug & Play)

This is very likely the most loved standalone script that we shared on TradingView. It's included in your Algorithm Builder and will certainly help you immensely to analyze your charts and your trades. We made sure that all the graphical elements on the chart will be updated in real-time whenever our user change anything on the indicator configuration.
We also enabled alerts for the Trade Manager component. More info available in the Alerts section below.

Show Trade Manager
If Selected, will display the 2 Take Profits and the Stop-Loss. You can adjust the horizontal labels positions with the field SL/TP Labels X Position
Stop-Loss Management

You'll have different Stop-Loss options. There is not a best or worst one. All depends on your own trading strategy and if it makes sense to you.

Trade Manager stop losses options based on price value or trailing stop
Take Profits Management
Take profit offering 3 options. Value/Percentage/Pips Distance

You can manage up to 2 take profit levels based either on percentage or price value target.
- Percentage: for instance, setting the % TP1 to 2% will set the TP1 level 2% away from the entry price.
- Price value: for instance, setting the value for Bitcoin TP1 target 10000, sets the TP1 level at that price level.
- Distance value: for instance, setting the value for BTC/USD TP1 target 200, sets the TP1 level 200 USD away, from the entry price.

Labels Lines

This option has been specially designed for mobile users. The TradingView native labels are very long and take "too much place on the screen".
The number input will move the labels on your chart, the higher the number, the more to the right they'll be located.
You'll have now shorter labels so that your chart will look nicer on mobile devices.

Deactivate TradingView native labels

Session hours filtering

This option will be useful for traders who don't want to receive signals during hours where the volatility is generally not there.
Can also be used whenever they know they can't trade (most of us have a life/work/family outside of trading).

Session hourly range for filtering low volatility trading hours

It's important to note the hour's filter is based on the broker timezone - not on your chart timezone. If your chart is set in UTC+2 but you're displaying the price data from NASDAQ:TSLA then the real timezone used is UTC-5.

🔔 Alerts 🔔

When the settings change, the alerts already created aren't updated automatically.

If you change any settings, you'll have to delete the alert(s) related to that setting and recreate it/them.
For example, let's assume you would change the stop-loss of your trade manager but already created an alert for it days ago.
As the previous alert is based on your previous configuration, you'll have to recreate it.

Please let us know if that doesn't make sense to you.

Tradingview Alerts Settings

The screenshot should be self-explanatory enough

You mandatory need to create 1 alert for the BUY event and 1 alert for the SELL event

The Algorithm Builder allows to capture the alerts on those BUY green triangles and SELL red triangles.

You'll have to create 1 alert per event (buy or sell) per asset (BTC, DOW, APPL, ...) per timeframe (m5, m15, ...).

For instance, if you add your Algorithm Builder to your chart. You have to create 2 alerts. A first one to capture the MAIN BUY event, a second one to capture the MAIN SELL event.

According to your TradingView subscription type, you might receive the alerts by email and by SMS

Hard Exits alerts
Alerts Hard Exit

Hard Exits BUY, and SELL alerts must be with the Once per bar close option.
The framework is made to invalidate when the hard exits sub-indicators give the signal, at the end/close of the candle.

Trend Manager alerts
Trade Manager alerts

You'll be able to create alerts based on our Trade Manager. It's recommended to wait to be in a trade, and after creating the Trade Manager alerts.

As we could recommend to trigger the BUY/SELL alerts on candle close (for more security/less risk for fakeouts), it's generally a best practice to set the Trade Manager alerts using the Only Once or Once per bar because traders want to exit their trades at a specific price in real-time.

We mean, once the SL/TP1/TP2 are hit, you might not want to wait for the candle close to act, because it could be too late, and very often won't be in the trader favor.

🔔 Dynamic Alerts and TradingView automation 🔔

Here are the list of third-parties capturing TradingView alerts and forwarding them to compatible STOCKS brokers.
Anyway, we're talking about SWING trading here with trades lasting days/weeks. Automation may not bring a huge extra values when the trading timeframe and methodology aren't giving much signals per asset.

The process to connect the Algorithm Builder entries/exits signals to those systems is fairly easy.
You'll find more insight to make your alerts compatible with those systems here.

More information to create and manage custom alerts here

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