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The Bitcoin parabolic advance

The Bitcoin parabolic advance

Introduction Bulls suffer for 3 years since the 2017 top with $BTC at $20000 (on Coinbase) We had some good volatility in 2018 and then in the first half of 2019, and then as you all know, Bitcoin used to range at the 10K, then 6K then 3K levels for months. Without volatility and volume, a trader cannot do much magic here. It was quite hard to trade Bitcoin and alts due to the lack of interest from the institutions and retail. But now, the good fundamental news are released almost on a daily basis. Paypal enabling payment with crypto for their US customers, Microstrategy, Grayscale, Square, ... investing massively in Bitcoin. Plus, we know have many more "blockchain" indicators...

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5 reasons why DeFi is awesome (Reason #4 will surprise you)

5 reasons why DeFi is awesome (Reason #4 will surprise you)

Introduction DeFi (Decentralized Finance) took the crypto world by storm. I clearly didn't expect such a mania. It literally reminded me of the 2017/2018 ICOs craze were buying anything could give an instant X3/X5 (assuming one knows when to exit properly) Based on the Ethereum blockchain and started with a few famous blockchains/tokens in 2018 such as $COMP, $YFI, $AMPL. I didn't notice those before July 2020 and I have to admit the concept behind those tokens is truly revolutionary. $YFI (Yefi) for instance is a form of passive investment. The system is automatic and selects the investments to be madde behind the curtains to maximize your return on investment. Let's cover now my TOP 7 reasons why DeFi could...

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