Scalping, Intraday, Swing entries for everything that can be traded on TradingView
⛔ Multiple Stop-loss options (Custom Hard Exit, Price value, pips distance, trailings, percentage)
🎯 Multiple Take Profits options (price value, pips distance, percentage)
🔔 Alerts on Entries, Exits, and Trade Manager events (Stop-Loss, Take Profits, Hard Exits)
📊 Risk-to-Reward Panel
💰 Profit and Losses Panel
📚 Complete guide available here
TradingView Algo Universal Script URL
More info available in our Discord forum
This system is really fabulous for SWING and INTRADAY trading. It works with anything that can be traded (Indices, Crypto, Stocks, Commodities, Forex) using Spot or Margin trading
For any of our timeframe, we use multi-timeframes indicators.
Even if your chart uses a 5-minutes timeframe, our underlying indicators select "with the trend" indicators from a bigger timeframe.
This statement is valid for any timeframe compatible with the Algorithm Builder Universal
We are compatible with most of the CFDs, futures or options brokers like Interactive Brokers, Metatrader 4 and 5, FXCM, ...
Yes, we made it compatible with our Backtester VIP, Standalone Trade Manager, ...
A very high win-rate is easily cancelled out by a big loss. For that reason we think, this is not a relevant metric.
Our subscribers are strongly advised to backtest in a different but much simpler way.
Namely, after downloading our indicators and reading our Trading Method, we ask them to scroll-left on their charts and see if the entries/exits make sense.
Most of our subscribers realize if our indicators give them an edge in the markets within a few hours only.
Then, a subscriber trading our method like a "Machine" can totally be profitable from the first day with us
We developed our own indicators that we invented on FXCM and MT4 platorms.
Those TradingView underlying indicators ar not published anywhere else so that to keep our "savoir-faire" unique and very valuable for the BTI community
With this SWING system, we aim to make several hundreds of pips (or points) every day.
We are logging them daily on our Results and Performance page
A very important note: They cannot be faked because our subscribers have the exact same signals on their charts.