Hello, sorry for my English. I'm trading more than once with pyramiding, but if I exit with strategy.exit while exiting, it sends more than one exit signal. Is there a way to send an alarm from the webhook once. Due to the system I use, if more than one exit alarm comes, binance opens the reverse trade. Also, if I exit the trade with strategy.close without using strategy.exit, there is no problem, it sends an alarm once, but because there is no tp and sl in the bar, it drops hodl in the spot or liq in the future. I searched the net for multiple entry single exit, but I couldn't find anything. Can I single out the signs in the picture with Strategy.exit. Thanks.

if long2
strategy.entry('long', strategy.long, limit=dust, qty=qtyx2 / close, comment=enterlongcomment2)
strategy.close('long', when=close < longStopPrice or close > longTakeProfit, comment=exitlongcomment)
strategy.cancel('long', when=not alaKadar[1] or bought)
strategy.entry(id='long', direction=strategy.long, when=long, qty=qtyx1 / close, comment=enterlongcomment1)
strategy.close('long', when=close < longStopPrice or close > longTakeProfit, comment=exitlongcomment)
strategy.cancel('long', when=strategy.position_size > 0 or not alaKadar)

if exitli == true
strategy.exit('long', stop=longStopPrice, limit=longTakeProfit, comment=exitlongcomment)
