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Fill in the zone

Dec 8, 2021 - 12:20 PM

Viewed 1165 times

https://best-trading-indicator.com/community/bti/forums/4180/topics/55225 COPY
  • Hello, i have a question. I have zones in a chart and I want to fill them but when I do it fills them but connects them as well which I dont want to. Can anyone tell me how to use fill function properly on this please? This is my pine script:
    study(CPR with MAs, Super Trend & VWAP by GuruprasadMeduri, overlay = true, shorttitle=CPR,precision=1)
    //cenral pivot range
    pivot = (high + low + close) /3 //Central Povit
    BC = (high + low) / 2 //Below Central povit
    TC = (pivot - BC) + pivot //Top Central povot

    //3 support levels
    S1 = (pivot * 2) - high
    S2 = pivot - (high - low)
    S3 = low - 2 * (high - pivot)

    //3 resistance levels
    R1 = (pivot * 2) - low
    R2 = pivot + (high - low)
    R3 = high + 2 * (pivot-low)

    //Checkbox inputs

    CPRPlot = input(title = Plot CPR?, type=input.bool, defval=true)
    DayS1R1 = input(title = Plot Daiy S1/R1?, type=input.bool, defval=true)
    DayS2R2 = input(title = Plot Daiy S2/R2?, type=input.bool, defval=false)
    DayS3R3 = input(title = Plot Daiy S3/R3?, type=input.bool, defval=false)
    WeeklyPivotInclude = input(title = Plot Weekly Pivot?, type=input.bool, defval=false)
    WeeklyS1R1 = input(title = Plot weekly S1/R1?, type=input.bool, defval=false)
    WeeklyS2R2 = input(title = Plot weekly S2/R2?, type=input.bool, defval=false)
    WeeklyS3R3 = input(title = Plot weekly S3/R3?, type=input.bool, defval=false)
    MonthlyPivotInclude = input(title = Plot Montly Pivot?, type=input.bool, defval=false)
    MonthlyS1R1 = input(title = Plot Monthly S1/R1?, type=input.bool, defval=false)
    MonthlyS2R2 = input(title = Plot Monthly S2/R2?, type=input.bool, defval=false)
    MonthlyS3R3 = input(title = Plot Montly S3/R3?, type=input.bool, defval=false)

    //***************DAYWISE CPR & PIVOTS***********************
    // Getting daywise CPR
    DayPivot = security(syminfo.tickerid, 240, pivot[1], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
    DayBC = security(syminfo.tickerid, 240, BC[1], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
    DayTC = security(syminfo.tickerid, 240, TC[1], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)

    //Adding linebreaks daywse for CPR
    CPColour = DayPivot != DayPivot[1] ? na : color.blue
    BCColour = DayBC != DayBC[1] ? na : color.blue
    TCColour = DayTC != DayTC[1] ? na : color.blue

    //Plotting daywise CPR
    plot(DayPivot, title = CP , color = CPColour, style = plot.style_linebr, linewidth =2)
    plot(CPRPlot ? DayBC : na , title = BC , color = BCColour, style = plot.style_line, linewidth =1)
    plot(CPRPlot ? DayTC : na , title = TC , color = TCColour, style = plot.style_line, linewidth =1)

    // Getting daywise Support levels
    DayS1 = security(syminfo.tickerid, 240, S1[1], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
    DayS2 = security(syminfo.tickerid, 240, S2[1], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
    DayS3 = security(syminfo.tickerid, 240, S3[1], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)

    //Adding linebreaks for daywise Support levels
    DayS1Color =DayS1 != DayS1[1] ? na : color.green
    DayS2Color =DayS2 != DayS2[1] ? na : color.green
    DayS3Color =DayS3 != DayS3[1] ? na : color.green

    //Plotting daywise Support levels
    plot(DayS1R1 ? DayS1 : na, title = D-S1 , color = DayS1Color, style = plot.style_line, linewidth =1)
    plot(DayS2R2 ? DayS2 : na, title = D-S2 , color = DayS2Color, style = plot.style_line, linewidth =1)
    plot(DayS3R3 ? DayS3 : na, title = D-S3 , color = DayS3Color, style = plot.style_line, linewidth =1)

    // Getting daywise Resistance levels
    DayR1 = security(syminfo.tickerid, 240, R1[1], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
    DayR2 = security(syminfo.tickerid, 240, R2[1], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
    DayR3 = security(syminfo.tickerid, 240, R3[1], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)

    //Adding linebreaks for daywise Support levels
    DayR1Color =DayR1 != DayR1[1] ? na : color.red
    DayR2Color =DayR2 != DayR2[1] ? na : color.red
    DayR3Color =DayR3 != DayR3[1] ? na : color.red

    //Plotting daywise Resistance levels
    plot(DayS1R1 ? DayR1 : na, title = D-R1 , color = DayR1Color, style = plot.style_line, linewidth =1)
    plot(DayS2R2 ? DayR2 : na, title = D-R2 , color = DayR2Color, style = plot.style_line, linewidth =1)
    plot(DayS3R3 ? DayR3 : na, title = D-R3 , color = DayR3Color, style = plot.style_line, linewidth =1)

    fill(plot1=plot(series=DayBC,show_last=1 , color=color.green),
    plot2=plot(series=DayTC ,show_last=1, color=color.green),
    color=color.green, transp=90)


  • Should be

    plot(DayBC, color=color.green, title="DayBC")
    plot(DayTC, color=color.red, title="DayTC")
    fill(DayBC, DayTC, show_last=1, color=color.green),
    color=color.green, transp=90)

    Documentation: https://www.tradingview.com/pine-script-reference/v4/#fun_fill

  • Thanks for your quick answear. I added code that u send me at the end of my code. But then i had an error which goes : Add to Chart operation failed, reason: line 94: Syntax error at input ')'.

    I am sorry I am quite new to this and I dont really get it.

    This post was edited Dec 8, 2021 02:33PM
  • I tried to correct it like this : fill(DayBC, DayTC, show_last=1, color=color.green,transp=90)
    After that i got a new error which goes: Add to Chart operation failed, reason: line 93: Cannot call 'fill' with 'plot1'=series[float]. The argument should be of type: plot
    Cannot call 'fill' with 'plot2'=series[float]. The argument should be of type: plot
