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  • open trade depending on whether the price reaches a precise candle

open trade depending on whether the price reaches a precise candle

Aug 27, 2021 - 11:35 PM

Viewed 347 times

https://best-trading-indicator.com/community/bti/forums/4180/topics/25754 COPY
  • Hi,

    i need to backtest my strategy wich is described as follow:

    open a sell trade if the close of the daily candle of the 15th of the month is greater than that of the 20th of the month

    open a buy trade if the close of the daily candle of the 15 of the month is lower than that of the 20th of the month

    can someone help me make this script

    Thank you.

  • Hello there

    You should hire someone (or me) for doing it :)
    I'll be happy to code it for you against a fee

    You can contact me by email: dave@best-trading-indicator.com
