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bgcolor, заливка бара

Jul 26, 2021 - 5:21 PM

Viewed 696 times

https://best-trading-indicator.com/community/bti/forums/4180/topics/25228 COPY
  • Good afternoon. I want to visually fill the bar where
    the purchase - green
    sale - red transaction took place

    Tell me the function with an example. so that it can be inserted into any strategy and it displays a vertical line when trading.

    This post was edited Jul 27, 2021 11:27AM
  • how do I add vertical lines in this script?
    If there was a purchase - green

    Sale - red

    strategy(Ichimoku Kinko Hyo: Basic Strategy, overlay=true)

    ts_bars = input(9, minval=1, title=Tenkan-Sen Bars)
    ks_bars = input(26, minval=1, title=Kijun-Sen Bars)
    ssb_bars = input(52, minval=1, title=Senkou-Span B Bars)
    cs_offset = input(26, minval=1, title=Chikou-Span Offset)
    ss_offset = input(26, minval=1, title=Senkou-Span Offset)
    long_entry = input(true, title=Long Entry)
    short_entry = input(true, title=Short Entry)

    middle(len) => avg(lowest(len), highest(len))

    // Ichimoku Components
    tenkan = middle(ts_bars)
    kijun = middle(ks_bars)
    senkouA = avg(tenkan, kijun)
    senkouB = middle(ssb_bars)

    // Plot Ichimoku Kinko Hyo
    plot(tenkan, color=#0496ff, title=Tenkan-Sen)
    plot(kijun, color=#991515, title=Kijun-Sen)
    plot(close, offset=-cs_offset+1, color=#459915, title=Chikou-Span)
    sa=plot(senkouA, offset=ss_offset-1, color=green, title=Senkou-Span A)
    sb=plot(senkouB, offset=ss_offset-1, color=red, title=Senkou-Span B)
    fill(sa, sb, color = senkouA > senkouB ? green : red, title=Cloud color)

    ss_high = max(senkouA[ss_offset-1], senkouB[ss_offset-1])
    ss_low = min(senkouA[ss_offset-1], senkouB[ss_offset-1])

    // Entry/Exit Signals
    tk_cross_bull = tenkan > kijun
    tk_cross_bear = tenkan < kijun
    cs_cross_bull = mom(close, cs_offset-1) > 0
    cs_cross_bear = mom(close, cs_offset-1) < 0
    price_above_kumo = close > ss_high
    price_below_kumo = close < ss_low

    bullish = tk_cross_bull and cs_cross_bull and price_above_kumo
    bearish = tk_cross_bear and cs_cross_bear and price_below_kumo

    strategy.entry(Long, strategy.long, when=bullish and long_entry)
    strategy.entry(Short, strategy.short, when=bearish and short_entry)

    strategy.close(Long, when=bearish and not short_entry)
    strategy.close(Short, when=bullish and not long_entry)

    This post was edited Jul 27, 2021 11:29AM
  • Hi

    Sorry, we only speak english on that forum
    Other languages won't be accepted

    Thank you
