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Why mean value gives NaN?

May 14, 2021 - 11:35 AM

Viewed 2035 times

https://best-trading-indicator.com/community/bti/forums/4180/topics/24131 COPY
  • Hello there!

    This is my first post, so I hope somebody is willing to help me. I'm having troubles trying to calculate the mean value of a parameter, in this case, the difference between high-low divided by a certain price, as I'm trying to measure the volatility in this way. This certain price i used as a parameter to compare different values, so I tested it using both the close price and the high price of the day.

    I will rewrite it, cause I know it can be a bit confusing. tMintMaxtCloseMEAN means:
    tMin: Todays Min
    tMax: Todays Max
    tClose: Todays Close
    MEAN: The mean value of this parameter over time
    So, it should be calculated as:
    tMintMaxtCloseMEAN = ( tMax - tMin ) / tClose
    And I calculate this mean value using an EMA multiplier.

    When I calculate tMintMaxtCloseMEAN it works ok, but when trying to calculate tMintMaxtMaxMEAN (which is exactly the same except that the denominator is the Max instead of the Close), it doesn't work as expected and it returns NaN.

    What am I doing wrong?

    I hope anybody helps me. Thaks in advance!!

    study(Study, overlay=true)

    // Inputs de volatilidades
    emaLength = input(365, title=EMA Length, type= input.float)
    i_tMintMaxtClose = input(true, title=(Max Hoy - Min Hoy) / Cierre Hoy)
    i_tMintMaxtMax = input(false, title=(Max Hoy - Min Hoy) / Max Hoy)

    // Variables
    float tMintMaxtClose=0.0
    var float tMintMaxtCloseMAX = 0.0
    var float tMintMaxtCloseMEAN = 0.0

    float tMintMaxtMax=0.0
    var float tMintMaxtMaxMAX = 0.0
    var float tMintMaxtMaxMEAN = 0.0

    var float todayMax=0.0
    var float todayMin=0.0
    var float yesterdayMax = 0.0
    var float yesterdayMin = 0.0

    var int count = 0
    var int day = 0
    var int lastBarDay = 0
    var float emaMultiplier = 2.0/(emaLength+1.0)

    var bool isMarket=false
    var bool lastBarWasMarket=false
    var int lastMarketBar = 0

    label2=label.new(bar_index, high, text = "", color=color.green)

    // Cálculos

    lastBarWasMarket := isMarket
    isMarket := session.ismarket
    lastBarDay := day

    if(isMarket and lastBarWasMarket and lastBarDay != dayofweek)
    lastMarketBar:= 1

    if(not session.ismarket)
    lastMarketBar := 1
    isMarket := false
    lastMarketBar += 1
    isMarket := true

    if(day != dayofweek)

        tMintMaxtClose := 100*(todayMax-todayMin)/close[lastMarketBar]
        tMintMaxtCloseMAX := tMintMaxtClose > tMintMaxtCloseMAX ? tMintMaxtClose : tMintMaxtCloseMAX
        tMintMaxtCloseMEAN := tMintMaxtClose * emaMultiplier + tMintMaxtCloseMEAN * (1 - emaMultiplier)
        tMintMaxtMax := 100*(todayMax-todayMin)/todayMax
        tMintMaxtMaxMAX := tMintMaxtMax > tMintMaxtMaxMAX ? tMintMaxtMax : tMintMaxtMaxMAX
        tMintMaxtMaxMEAN := tMintMaxtMax * emaMultiplier + tMintMaxtMaxMEAN * (1 - emaMultiplier)

    if(session.ismarket and day != dayofweek)
    day:= dayofweek

    label.set_text(label2, "Volatility= " + tostring(round(tMintMaxtClose,2))+"\nMax= "+tostring(round(todayMax, 2))+"\nMin= "+tostring(round(todayMin, 2)) + "\ntMintMaxtMax= "+tostring(tMintMaxtMax)+ "\ntMintMaxtMaxMEAN= "+tostring(tMintMaxtMaxMEAN))
    label.set_xy(label2, bar_index, high[0])


    todayMax := todayMax > high[0] ? todayMax : high[0]
    todayMin := todayMin < low[0] ? todayMin : low[0]


  • Very well explained question :)

    Very likely there is a NA value remaining when building your mean variable

    Did you try using fixnan or the na functions?

    fixnan: https://www.tradingview.com/pine-script-reference/v4/#fun_fixnan
    na: https://www.tradingview.com/pine-script-reference/v4/#fun_na

    Wondering if those would fix your issue

    2/ Maybe I don't have the whole code, but seems to me you're declaring todayMax after creating your MaxMean variable

    todayMax := todayMax > high[0] ? todayMax : high[0]

    PS: the [0] is useless ;)

    A smarter implementation

    todayMax := max(todayMax, high)

  • Thank you so much!! I was dividind by todayMax when it was still 0, giving me that error.
    Thanks again!
