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  • Pinescript Strategy - How do I open a trade on specific time of the day?

Pinescript Strategy - How do I open a trade on specific time of the day?

May 11, 2021 - 12:51 PM

Viewed 7653 times

https://best-trading-indicator.com/community/bti/forums/4180/topics/24052 COPY
  • How do i open a trade at a specific time? Like if i want to open a trade at 9:30 am and then exit the trade at 3:00 pm

  • A simple example that you can adapt to your example

    study("Detecting a specific time (in the exchange's timezone)", "", true)
    targetYear      = input(0,  "Year (use 0 for all)",    minval = 0)
    targetMonth     = input(0,  "Month (use 0 for all)",   minval = 0, maxval = 12)
    targetDay       = input(0,  "Day (use 0 for all)",     minval = 0, maxval = 31)
    targetHour      = input(24, "Hour (use 24 for all)",   minval = 0, maxval = 24)
    targetMinute    = input(60, "Minute (use 60 for all)", minval = 0, maxval = 60)
    targetSecond    = input(60, "Second (use 60 for all)", minval = 0, maxval = 60)
    // Detect target date/time or greater, until the next higher generic value (i.e., using its default value in Inputs) changes.
    targetReached =
      (targetYear   == 0  or year       >= targetYear)   and
      (targetMonth  == 0  or month      >= targetMonth)  and
      (targetDay    == 0  or dayofmonth >= targetDay)    and
      (targetHour   == 24 or hour       >= targetHour)   and
      (targetMinute == 60 or minute     >= targetMinute) and
      (targetSecond == 60 or second     >= targetSecond)
    // Plot light bg whenever target date/time has been reached and next period hasn't reset the state.
    bgcolor(targetReached ? color.green : na, title = "In allowed time")
    // Plot brighter bg the first time we reach the target date/time.
    bgcolor(not targetReached[1] and targetReached ? color.lime : na, 50, title = "Entry into allowed time")
    // Save open at the beginning of each detection of the beginning of the date/time.
    var float savedOpen = na
    if not targetReached[1] and targetReached
        savedOpen := open
    plot(savedOpen, "Saved open", change(savedOpen) ? na : color.gray, 3)
    // Plot current bar's date/time in the Data Window.
    plotchar(year, "year", "", location.top)
    plotchar(month, "month", "", location.top)
    plotchar(dayofmonth, "dayofmonth", "", location.top)
    plotchar(hour, "hour", "", location.top)
    plotchar(minute, "minute", "", location.top)
    plotchar(second, "second", "", location.top)
  • I want to create a strategy which enters a long position at a specific time @ 10 am and exit the trade at 11 am and backtest it for the last few months on tradingview.

  • is there a simple code like if time= 10 am enter long and exit long position at 11 am which i can backtest in strategy tester

  • thank you i got the code

  • Anonymous:
    thank you i got the code
    Can you tell me the code? Thanks

  • Anonymous:
    I want to create a strategy which enters a long position at a specific time @ 10 am and exit the trade at 11 am and backtest it for the last few months on tradingview.

    Can u send that code in chat?

  • is there a simple code like if time= 10 am enter long and exit long position at 11 am which i can backtest in strategy tester - Is it possible share the code for the same?
