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Input error bugging me all day please help

Nov 16, 2022 - 6:30 PM

Viewed 525 times

https://best-trading-indicator.com/community/bti/forums/4180/topics/1466475 COPY
  • //@version=4
    study(title=VISHNU SIGNAL, overlay=true)

    LengthSEMA = input(title=SEMA Length, defval=9)
    LengthLEMA = input(title=LEMA Length, defval=21)
    LengthSlow50MA=input(title=50 MA Length, defval=50)
    Length34EMA=input(title=34 MA Length, defval=34)
    Length50EMA=input(title=50 MA Length, defval=50)

    SEMA = ema(close, LengthSEMA)
    LEMA = ema(close, LengthLEMA)
    Slow50MA = sma(close,LengthSlow50MA)
    slow34ema=ema(close, Length34EMA)
    slow50ema=ema(close, Length50EMA)
    //buy = crossover(SEMA, LEMA ) and close > Slow50MA
    // MACD

    //buy = crossover(SEMA, LEMA ) and close > Slow50MA and histLine >0.1
    buy = crossover(SEMA, LEMA ) and close > Slow50MA and close >slow50ema

    if buy
    alert(BUY alert on + timeframe.period)

    sell=crossover(LEMA, SEMA ) and close < Slow50MA and close < slow50ema

    if sell
    alert(SELL alert on + timeframe.period)
    ////plot(MA, color=color.new(color.green, 0), title=MA)
    //plot(EMA, color=color.new(color.red, 0), title=EMA)

    //emadiff = LengthLEMA - slow34ema

    cross = crossover(SEMA, LEMA ) or crossover(LEMA, SEMA )

    if cross
    alert(CROSS alert on + timeframe.period)

    plotshape(cross, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.rgb(106, 76, 175), size=size.tiny, title=Cross, text=C, textcolor=color.white)

    plotshape(buy, style=shape.labelup, location=location.bottom, color=color.green, size=size.tiny, title=Buy, text=B, textcolor=color.white)
    plotshape(sell, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.top, color=color.red, size=size.tiny, title=Sell, text=SELL, textcolor=color.white)


    11:27:07 AM — Compiling...
    11:27:07 AM — Compilation error. Line 28: Syntax error at input 'buy'.
    11:27:07 AM — 'VIshnu_EMA_Crossover' saved.
    11:27:52 AM — Compiling...
    11:27:53 AM — Compilation error. Line 23: Syntax error at input 'buy'.

  • help is appreciated

  • Hi

    I've fixed it for you
    Now it's compiling


  • Thanks a LOT Dave..so it was just formatting ?

    Did u make any other changes ?
