I updated ALL trading frameworks
Expert Mode removed.
Now trading with the cloud is MandatoryPullback Mode removed.
Too many mistakes were made using it.
I decided to remove it for our own sake ^
I updated the trading method documentation for ALL frameworks (Indices, Stocks, Crypto, Universal); making them more concise, clear and straight to the point
I also added new components
Which means (re)reading them is mandatory for everyone.
I added some chapters around the pullback and hard exit that will greatly improve your trading and your ability to make hundreds of pips per dayLinks will be listed below
Algorithm Builder Indices 5-minutes
Version 4.6
We updated the 5 minutes version only
We think this new 5-minutes trading system is a REVOLUTION.
You'll love it I'm sureThe 5-minutes now has re-entries
The entries and re-entries are exceptional
We updated the 5-minutes trading method tutorial for indices
Please take some time to read this documentation we wrote for you guys
Algorithm Builder Universal 15-minutes
Version 4.6
This one is a BETTER Universal
If you compare the previous Universal signals with this one, you'll see in 1 minute those new signals are earlier overall
Which is a good thing in tradingWe added re-entries
Algorithm Builder Stocks and Crypto
Version 4.6
The signals didn't change
We only remove the Expert mode and Pullback Mode
Algorithm Supports and Resistances
- No change at all
- You won't need to update it
How to update your indicators
Remove your indicators from your charts
Remove the alerts also
If you're wondering why you should do that, the answer is mentioned on the One-Pager pageDownload the V4.6 scripts from your invite-only scripts section (if you don't see them, please let me know on Discord)
Re-create the alerts